Our organization works in the south and south-east regions of Mongolia's Gobi Desert since 2008, together with local communities and protected areas to find solutions to environmental challenges impacting wildlife and people. 




Our scientific team conduct research on the ecology of the Mongolian Khulan, on other Gobi wildlife and intra and interspecific interactions, and other topics of interest. We also create partnership with other research teams on several aspects on biodiversity and on ecology of the Mongolian Khulan and other Gobi wildlife. 


The Gobi Guardians of wildlife and nature

We involve Mongolian locals (pastoralists, Buddhist monks, protected areas rangers…) as Citizen conservationists and as guardians of the Gobi wildlife and nature. We work with them to bridge traditional environmental knowledge to scientific knowledge and find together solutions to environmental issues to help people and wildlife to be more resilient to environmental changes and coexist in harmony in preserved Gobi landscapes. 


We believe that the local communities we work with can provide an invaluable contribution to the long-term success to protection of wildlife and the Gobi ecosystem. 

Capacity building

As part of our conservation program, in 2012 we started training park rangers working in the south Gobi protected areas. The first step of our training was to train the rangers to use camera traps in order to develop with them a research program based on camera trapping. 


We are developing a training program in order to train additional protected areas' rangers to use camera traps, as well as to provide them with training about Ecology, biodiversity conservation and research methods. 

Responsible tourism

We organize - in partnership with locally based travel agencies - wildlife observation and Citizen science expeditions in our study areas. 


These expeditions are organized in order to provide support to the families we work with and to provide support to our research and conservation activities. 

Environmental education and awareness




In order to raise local and international awareness to environment protection, our team created different educational resources (such as a bilingual children's book) and also conduct educational conservation activities in the Gobi Desert.