We envision populations of Khulans/Mongolian Wild Asses, key Gobi species and people thriving and coexisting in harmony in preserved landscapes of Mongolia. 

Healthy ecosystems can support a high biodiversity (diversity of life) where species can interact in a sustainable way, and as a result are more resilient to changes and threats, benefiting people and wildlife. 


Association GOVIIN KHULAN's mission is to conserve the Khulan (Mongolian Wild Ass) as an umbrella and a keystone species of the Gobi Desert ecosystem, thus also enhancing protection of other Gobi key species and the Gobi Desert ecosystem, and to improve Human-wildlife coexistence, together with local communities and protected areas. 


  • Healthy populations of Khulan and other Gobi key and threatened species
  • Healthy rangelands benefiting people and wildlife of Mongolia and the Gobi Desert
  • Sustainable and harmonious Human-Wildlife coexistence 


  • Understanding the Khulan and other key Gobi species as well as the ecosystem services they provide: conservation actions are based on accurate information on Khulan's and other wildlife populations and ecology.
  • Valuing the Khulan for the ecosystems services it provides and as a symbol of biodiversity and cultural heritage of Mongolia. 
  • Protecting Gobi rangelands and water sources to support people, livestock, Khulans and other key Gobi species.
  • Improving Human-Wildlife coexistence in our project's areas to lead to a harmonious and sustainable coexistence. 
  • Reinforce survival of Khulan populations by helping mitigate some of the direct threats.


  • Passion: We love Khulans, wildlife, Mongolia, and our work.
  • Creativity: We always bring new ideas to make our conservation efforts efficient and adapt to changes and challenges. 
  • Adaptability: We are resilient and adapt to changes and failures.
  • Integrity: We do what is right to do.
  • Results-oriented: We focus on meaningful and sustainable impacts.
  • Collaboration: We believe that together we can have greater impacts.  
  • Diversity: We care about our team members and the communities we work with.
  • Holistic Mindset: For us everything is connected: healthy ecosystems and preserved biodiversity benefit local communities, government agencies and corporations. 


Scientific research - We conduct research, and partner with other scientific teams on several aspects of biodiversity, ecology and wildlife behavioral ecology. 



Capacity building

  • We provide professional training to protected areas' staff and rangers we cooperate with in order to enhance their knowledge and skills about ecology and biodiversity conservation as well as about research methods. We are developing a specific curriculum for protected areas that will contain on-site, in-the-field and online training and knowledge assessment activities.
  • We also provide training and support to some members of the local communities (herders, Buddhist monks and more) to empower them as 'Guardians of Nature and Wildlife' and as 'Citizen conservationists' to help improve knowledge and protection of Gobi species and also use natural resources in a sustainable way. These communities' members live in our study areas all year round and depend on a healthy ecosystem to survive. They can also provide an invaluable contribution to the long-term success of protection of Gobi wildlife and their habitat. 


Community-based and led conservation activities

  • We involve some members of the local communities in our conservation activities as Guardians of Nature and Citizen conservationists,
  • We empower some members of the local communities to initiate and lead their own conservation activities,
  • We will partner with already existing community-led conservation groups in our project's areas. 


Local culture and traditions in support to biodiversity conservation

  • We work with Buddhist monks from our study area to reinforce links between Mongolian culture and traditions with conservation of the Mongolian Khulan, Gobi wildlife and the Gobi ecosystem. 
  • We also work with Mongolian artists to elevate the Khulan to the status of a symbol representing the rich biodiversity and cultural heritage of Mongolia. 

Environmental education and awareness - We conduct conservation education and awareness activities in the Gobi Desert to inform, engage and empower the local community in wildlife and ecosystem protection. We produce exclusive educational resources such as educational brochures, monitoring brochures, cartoons and children's books in collaboration with local artists and designers. 

Participatory research, citizen science, responsible and conservation tourism - We organize, in partnership with locally based and international travel agencies, wildlife observation, ecotourism and citizen science expeditions in our study area and other areas of Mongolia, during which travelers can: observe a high variety of wildlife, be involved in some of our research and conservation activities and meet with our local scientific assistants and members of our study area's local community. 


If you are thinking about financially supporting our organization but would like first to receive our organization's detailed strategic plan, please contact us, and we will send it to you.